UM3561 Siren Sound Generator COM22


UM3561 is a low-cost, low-power CMOS LSI designed for use in alarm and toy applications. It contains a programmed mask ROM to simulate siren sound.

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SKU: 938CPN Category: Tag:


UM3561 is an excellent ROM IC that can generate Multi siren tones simulating Police siren, Ambulance siren, Fire brigade siren and Machine gun sound. This 8 pin low power IC can work down to 2.4 volts.

The UM 3561 is a siren generator designed for use in toy applications. The IC has an inbuilt oscillator and tone selection pins. It is easy to make a siren generator with only a few external components. Only one external resistor and a speaker driver transistor are sufficient to make a simple siren generator.




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