2 Channel OMRON SSR G3MB-202P Solid State Relay Module COM42


A two-channel relay module (HCMODU0115) featuring 2x Omron G3MB-202P solid state relays. This 5V 2 Channel SSR G3MB-202P Solid State Relay Module is capable of switching AC voltages between 100 and 240V at up to a 2A current. The module can be controlled from a 5V digital source such as an Arduino microcontroller.

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SKU: 9570CPN Category:


A two-channel relay module (HCMODU0115) featuring 2x Omron G3MB-202P solid state relays. This 5V 2 Channel SSR G3MB-202P Solid State Relay Module is capable of switching AC voltages between 100 and 240V at up to a 2A current. The module can be controlled from a 5V digital source such as an Arduino microcontroller.

Input Power: 5V DC (160MA)
Input control signal voltage:
(0-2.5V state low relay OFF)
(3.3-5V state high relay ON)

Module interface:
Input section:
DC +: positive power supply (by relay voltage power supply)
DC-: connect power negative
CH: Relay module signal to trigger the end (high level trigger effective

The difference between the mechanical Relays and Solid State relays can be seen in the image below

Read more Technical Explanation for Solid-state Relays here in this  document.